Stop Slicing Your Driver with Michael Breed

We tap into The Golf Fix to help you stop slicing your driver, hit the ball farther, and keep the ball in the short stuff from tee to green.

Drill of the Week: Stop Slicing Your Driver

stop slicing your driver

We tap into The Golf Fix to help you stop slicing your driver.

Michael Breed is one of the best in the game when it comes to fixing simple things in the everyday golfer’s game. One of the biggest and most prominent problems with the amateur golfer is losing strokes off the tee. Sure, we all want to hit it farther, but keeping it in the short stuff with the driver is key to lowering your handicap.

A few things to key in on when watching the drill below:

  • Turn your back to the target in the backswing
    • Keep it turned as long as you can to allow your hands to come through and not over the top
  • Keep your trail arm underneath your lead arm
  • Visualize the club path moving inside-to-outside

Stop Slicing Your Driver with the Power Three: